Occupation Knocks
With a direct finger on the pulse of placement servicing, Eli has developed a deliberate strategy in understanding individual strengths, talents, and needs related to landing a job. Eli steps in, determines precise qualifications, assists in refining a resume, guides on interview protocol, and locates a fitting position to apply for.
Employment Opportunity
PlaceMint opens up doors of employment opportunity. Based on your strengths and personality, we direct you to a fulfilling long-term position with strong potential for job growth.
Learn your true value
PlaceMint meets with you to learn more about you, then coaches you to help you best showcase your strongpoints within your resume and at the all-important first-impression job interview.
Locate a meaningful job
PlaceMint networks with its wide pool of employers and varying industry professionals to lead you to opportune interviews, the right position, the right salary and benefits, and a promising future.

Start the process towards your future
PlaceMint does all the legwork in coordinating the right candidate and talent with company needs. Let’s get started in securing your position.
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