05 Feb 2025

Online Webinar “Revolutionize Your Mind”. Hurry Up! Subscribe to Webinar Now!


It’s About Personal Involvement And Personal Drive.

PlaceMint’s uniqueness is centered on the very human element of experienced caring personal interaction. Focused on matching company and candidate needs with precision, Eli infuses his talents, resources, and time to research, analyze, and delve into the viability of all prospects. His involvement doesn’t just end in placement, though. With an ongoing commitment to both employer and employee, Eli stands ready to guide and intercede at any future juncture to further interests towards enduring work success and productivity.


We’ve successfully been involved in placing long-term employees for close to two decades.


Our well-founded strategy is based on interactive expertise and knowhow.


We use a high-level of discretion, safe-guarding confidentiality when necessary.


We’re known for dedicated interaction, superior support and prime results.

Filling Positions, Growing Your Future

PlaceMint does all the legwork in coordinating company needs with the right candidate and talent. Let’s get started in securing your position.

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